OMG I'm gonna lose it!!!

Learning to be healthy and fit!!

Review of Goals and maybe some additions! October 7, 2010

Filed under: Goals,Uncategorized — gonnalooseit @ 3:28 pm


I set goals in the beginning of September (my NEW goal should be to check them EVERY month!!) I want to check and see how I am fairing???

  • Three out of five lunch breaks will go to the parks and recreation department and fit in a lunchtime one mile walk. (in addition to my normal daily workout)

This was a great goal but I learned that if I was walking at lunch, I would cheat on my evening exercise!! I felt like I had an excuse to not do it!! So I have cut back on the lunch time walks and I am using them for days when I know I will not be able to exercise in the evenings!!

  • I want to have no meat dinners 3 times a week. I will use other protein sources.

This has been a fairly easy goal to stay with!! I enjoy Morning star products and I have made some soups that have beans in place of the meat.

  • Try to not be a slave to the scale, and get on it only once a week. (a tough one for me)

Believe it or not this has been easier than I thought it would be. I moved my scale so I don’t pass it as much and you know what they say… out of sight out of mind!!

  • keep track of my blood pressure (i am not looking forward to this) any other time I have lost weight, my blood pressure has gone down and I was able to be off my blood pressure meds. This time it started out good and I was able to go off. But, at my last two appointments at Dr.Zarif’s my bottom number was in the hundreds. He put me an a diuretic in hopes of helping the situation. I am supposed to check my pressure every day to see if this will help. But for some reason I have an emotional block about this process.

YEA!! the medicine has helped with my blood pressure. My numbers are much better!

  • This is going to sound strange, but I need to look at myself in the mirror everyday and see and admit to some kind of positive change. I struggle with looking in the mirror and always seeing the old Kelly. Anyone who has lost weight before knows exactly what I’m talking about. Body image is a crazy thing and a friend of mine told me it takes the mind a full year to really recognize changes in your body.

I am working on this, I’m not going to lie I’m still struggling but there is progress.

I think all in all I stayed on target with my goals. The new goal I would add would be to remember to eat protein first, veggies second and if I’m still hungry what ever is left ( a pasta or potato) I usually kind of “circle” around my plate. So this will be something new for me to get use to, but this is do-able!!

Have you been sticking to your goals???


Can you say Hernia?! October 3, 2010

Filed under: Exersicise,Hernia/Bertha — gonnalooseit @ 4:54 pm

I have a hernia in my belly button area and it is giving me grief!!

I have had it for a while and the dang thing keeps growing! I have been thinking about it since yesterday and I have decided to name it. Not just any name will do…it has to be something with meaning. I have decided on Bertha…when you think of a Bertha, what comes to my mind anyway is a large, old lady that is a pain in the butt!! I think that describes MY Bertha perfectly! It is large and getting bigger, it has been with me for at least two years (that I know of) so that makes it old and it is a literal pain in my belly (not in my butt)

I started noticing Bertha giving me pain when I worked out but not all the time, and I could never figure out what the trigger was that was making it hurt. In the beginning it was so sporadic it didn’t really bother me much but now I often get the pain when I’m doing something as simple as walking around the track at lunch!

My new fitness class starts tomorrow and I’m a little worried that it will give me fits. Speaking of my new class, this one is a core class and is supposed to be really good! It’s not to late to sign up at the Worcester County Parks and Recreation Department ask for Myro, he is in charge of the class and he will get you all set!


Did you say Pumpkin?!?! September 20, 2010

Filed under: Agave Nectar,Pumpkin — gonnalooseit @ 5:51 pm

In my last post I talked about trying to find some great fall recipes, well I have been hitting pay dirt!! I just wont post them until I personally try them first!!

This one is BANGIN!!

Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese

8oz.- 1/3 Fat cream cheese

1/2 cup Pureed pumpkin

1 tsp. Vanilla

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tsp. Pumpkin pie spice

2 tbsp. Brown sugar

1 tbsp. Agave nectar

Add all ingredients together. Beat until smooth.


Now i will say, I used Splenda Brown Sugar to save even save a few more calories and there couldn’t have been any taste difference. Agave nectar is becoming more and more popular to see in my local grocery stores. Depending on where you live this may be a common site already. Here are some interesting facts

What is Agave Nectar?

spacer agave plants and building

While agave (pronounced ah-GAH-vay) is best recognized as the plant from which tequila is made, it has also been used for thousands of years as an ingredient in food. The nectar made from the plant is known in Mexico as aguamiel, or “honey water.”

The Aztecs prized the agave as a gift from the gods and used the liquid from its core to flavor foods and drinks. Now, due to increasing awareness of agave nectar’s many beneficial properties, it is becoming the preferred sweetener of health conscious consumers, doctors, and natural food cooks alike.                  

I also found out this is great to use for people who suffer from diabetes. Check out the site if you are interested in more information.

I’m telling you this stuff is great, give it a try with apples!!

Let me know what you think!!!


I’m getting that feeling…. September 12, 2010

Filed under: Fall,Healthy Recipes — gonnalooseit @ 9:32 am

Fall is in the air big time, and something strange happens to me in the fall. I don’t know if I can explain it and make sence….it’s kind of like a kid looking forward to thier birthday maybe…I get a little….(I can’t believe I’m going to put this in writing) GIDDY!!

I really love the fall season. I can enjoy the outdoors so much more than when it’s 90 degrees and humid. My yard calls my name to come out and work (and actually enjoy it) I love having my windows open and feeling that little bit of crispness to the air at night when I climb into my bed. This may all sound like a pile of crap to you if fall is not your time of year, and I hate that for you because your really missing out!!!

With all of these good feelings, comes the desire to cook.I’m not sure why this happens to me but I want to cook up a storm when the cooler weather comes. I know you see my dilemma, Everything that comes to my mind to cook is a comfort food. Pot roast, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes. I wont go on, my mouth will start to water!!!

I am on a search to find healthy versions of my favorite comfort foods!!! I will NOT be beaten by this!!! ( that’s big talk, I’m weak. If pot roast was in front of me I would dive in, I KNOW MY WEAKNESS!!) As I find healthy versions of all time favorites I will post them. If you know of any please pass them on to me!!!!

My hope is to get through each holiday coming up with a plan! My favorite way to celebrate is to eat seasonal/holiday foods. I plan on finding ways to eat healthy and still celebrate and enjoy the months ahead. Im sure as the months roll on we will be talking more about how to carry out this plan….stay posted!!

Do you have any good seasonal recipes to pass on?? 


Good Times!! September 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — gonnalooseit @ 9:38 am

This Labor Day extended weekend thing is the way to go!!

I have had time to sleep late, relax, learn to crochet (yes you read that right!)Go to dinner with friends, and even pig out on steamed crabs!!! Man if only more weekends could be like this!

My dinner out was at one of my all time favorite mexican resturants…if you have been with me from the beginning you know it’s La Tolteca!! I have a major love affair with this place, the food and the staff are fabulus! Anyway, I usually stuff myself senseless becouse it is just that good. This time was alittle diffrent…Remember, I’m in “The Zone” right now and stuffing myself is out of the question. The good news is I still had a blast!! The chips and white sauce were still flowing and we all sat and talked for quite awhile, so I had plenty to satisfy me. When My dinner actually came I wase’t really hungry. I ate a couple of bites and brought the rest home to eat over the next coulpe of days. To me that is a win, win situation!! I am slightly tight in the fingers and toes, probubly from a higher sodium count in thier food then what Iv’e been trying to eat at home..Oh well you win some you lose some!!!

On saturday I went to my local craft/fabric store in town. If you love to sew, knit/crochet ect.. you should check out The Fine Needle. When I got there a mini class was being held and my friend Kristen encouraged me to join in on the fun! I have to say I was a bit leary..teaching me to knit/crocht has been attempted before without much success! This time was diffrent, Stacey the owner of the store is so patient and she stayed with me untill I had it!! Now I’m a crocheting fool!!….does anyone need a scarf?!?!  

My family got together on Sunday for the wonderful Eastern Shore dinner of steamed crabs! Man if you have never had steamed crabs before you are missing out on something yummy!!

Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 1 cup, cooked, flaked and pieces
Calories 119.36
Calories from Fat 18.64

Picking crabs is a tedious thing to do, you can sit and pick for quite awhile and maybe get a couple cups of crab meat. In case your wondering…you can eat a heck of alot of crabs and NOT have alot of calories.

  We did sit around and talk and actually enjoyed playing some game that you through golf balls on a string at a pole. Your suppose to get it wraped around one of three poles. Each pole has a point value and you play until you reach how ever many points you esablish at the beginning of the game. 

It was also our day to celebrate my sister in laws birthday. You cant have a birthday celebration without some kind of yummy that is a calorie blow out! My mom made a brownie that she then covered with fudge topping and whipped cream and topped it with a cherry! HELLO!!!! could she have somehow made it with something else on it? I mean there had to be one more thing she could have put on it to add just afew more calories!!! As delisious as it was, I was proud of myself…I took three good bites and passed the rest to my all willing brother! I had the best of both worlds..I ate some and didnt feel deprived, but I didnt eat the entire thing and feel guilty and stuffed later!


September Goals September 5, 2010

Filed under: Exersicise,Goals — gonnalooseit @ 1:12 pm

I can’t believe it’s already september! Time is flying by this year and I don’t want to even think about the fact that Christmas is only a couple of months away!

Anywho..I think it would be really helpful to me to have specific goals to strive toward during the month. Plus I LOVE to be able to reward myself when I reach or even exceed a goal!! I have thought long and hard about what my goals should be…they shoulnt be unattainable but also shouldnt be too easy or with out challange.That being said, my goals for this month are;

  • Three out of five lunch breaks i will go to the parks and recreation department and fit in a lunchtime one mile walk. (in addition to my normal daily workout)
  • I want to have no meat dinners 3 times a week. I will use other protein sources.
  • Try to not be a slave to the scale, and get on it only once a week. (a tough one for me)
  • keep track of my blood pressure (i am not looking forward to this) any other time I have lost weight, my blood pressure has gone down and I was able to be off my blood pressure meds. This time it started out good and I was able to go off. But, at my last two appointments at Dr.Zarif’s my bottom number was in the hundreds. He put me an a diuretic in hopes of helping the situation. I am supposed to check my pressure every day to see if this will help. But for some reason I have an emotional block about this process.
  • This is going to sound strange, but I need to look at myself in the mirror everyday and see and admit to some kind of positive change. I struggle with looking in the mirror and always seeing the old Kelly. Anyone who has lost weight before knows exactly what I’m talking about. Body image is a crazy thing and a friend of mine told me it takes the mind a full year to really recognize changes in your body.


I think that is a great list for the month of September!! Have you made a goal list???


Weekend..a day early!! September 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — gonnalooseit @ 10:21 am

I can hear the hallelujah chorus !!! It’s friday and I am at home in my livingroom typing on the computer!!

This week has been a challenge for my mental stability! The first week of school, kids adjusting to new schedules, trying to juggle staff at work not really knowing what we really need from day-to-day, my work out on Tuesday kicked my butt to the point that I told my shadow (my exercise guy) there was no way I could run on Wednesday, and my work partner is slightly stressed because her daughter is leaving the country to go to school next week! I think that should paint a really clear picture of my crazy week.

The great news is…I think I have finally gotten a glimpse of the coveted “Green Zone” Eating has not been a problem and the scale is being my friend! I am seeing numbers on the scale I have not seen in so many years that I can’t tell you the last time I weighed that amount!!! That feeling is something I can’t put into words…it makes my heart want to leap for joy! I am trying not to be a slave to the scale, today is the first time i have been on since I had my fill and I was surprised and happy with what i saw. I also know it could change and I’m not getting my hopes up just yet..

I’m off to enjoy my “free” friday!!

Is it just me or is stolen time off better than a regular weekend day? What do you think???


1st day of school August 30, 2010

Filed under: Back to School,Exersicise,Hershey Park,Week-end!! — gonnalooseit @ 7:15 pm

I work at a pre-school and have children that attend three different schools. I must confess, I hate HATE the first day of school!! It is way to much for me as an adult, I know it’s overwhelming for kids!

 Any who! The week is off to a running start and I’m already praying that Friday is in a hurry to make an appearance! While I was jogging/walking with my running coach(..who I have nick-named my shadow!) he asked me what I did fun this week-end, and other than going to a friend’s house for a going away dinner I realized I didn’t do alot of anything!! I really need to work on that! Life is too short to sit and watch it pass me by!! 

Friday I had the perfect work day! We took the older children from my school on the final summer trip…to Hershey Park!!! I took all of my children and made it our end of summer blow out. We were on the charter bus at 5:45 and returned at 12:00am!! WOW what a day! Let me tell you I had my share of exercise walking around that place. Not only is it huge but a lot of it is hilly! I was very glad I had been jogging/walking so my legs were at least a little prepared. Finding food to eat while I was there was surprisingly easy. I had checked out a map on-line the day before, so I knew where the best healthy food places were ahead of time. I wound up eating chicken and rice soup. I know that sounds like a really strange thing to eat at an amusement park but it was very good and held me over for a long time.

My food has been GREAT since my fill last week! I think maybe this is the fill I’ve been waiting for. I can eat only one half cup of food and I feel satisfied between meals! If I’m not paying attention to my tummy and I get overfilled I pay the price…I love it!!!

I’m trying to not get to excited because my first week is usually my best time to not be able to eat much! I will keep you posted on my progress.


OK…back on track!! August 25, 2010

Filed under: Exersicise,Fills,New foods — gonnalooseit @ 7:54 pm

I went to see Dr. Zarif today. They took my blood pressure and it was pretty high. The only thing I can think of that would be making it high would be what I ate yesterday. 

 I tried a new recipe and the seasoning had a lot of sodium in it. I took a can of chic peas and patted them dry. Then put them in a baking pan and spray them with olive oil or cook oil, sprinkle them with your choice of seasoning. Then bake them for a good little bit. It could be a different amount of time each time depending on how big the chick peas are. I just kept checking on them and giving them a little shake in the pan.These little guys get crispy and crunchy almost like a peanut!! They were great! I need to find a great new seasoning that isnt full of sodium though!!

Anyway back to my doctors visit.. I have lost 6 pounds since the last time I was there a month ago. Dr. Zarif was happy with my lost pounds..I have to be honest..I was not happy. I mean yes I am happy it is a loss and not a gain, but I normally can lose 10 pounds in a month when I’m on track! I just figured with me exercising like a fiend and eating less food the results would be closer to 10 pounds. Anyway, I had 7 cc’s already in my realize band and had 1.5 added today bringing me to a grand total of 8.5 cc’s. Hopefully this will bring me to the long anticipated “green zone” This is when you can eat half to three-fourths of a cup of food and feel full and content for three to four hours.

My running is still going strong. Monday, Wednesday and Friday is my scheduled days to train, but for the last few days after my After work fitness class, we have added in a few times around the track. Don’t misunderstand I am not running the entire time. I’m still in the walk/run stage,but it’s improvement non the less.

To those of you who have had band many cc’s did you have before you reached the green zone???


Happy Birthday Bethany!

Filed under: Emotions,Fills,Holidays/ celebrations,Parties — gonnalooseit @ 6:48 pm

I usually struggle more on the weekends than during the week, but this weekend has been worse! I think I am struggling to not COMPLETLY fall off the wagon! Even with all my good efforts I am falling short. It seems like temptation is meeting me (and hitting me over the head) at every corner.

My oldest daughter had a birthday this Wednesday and it seems like the celebrating has continued ever since! I always ask the girls on their birthday what they want for their birthday dinner. They can choose to go out or have me fix one of their favorite meals. This year Bethany wanted to go to one of my favorite pizza places. Lombardi’s (in my opinion) has the best pizza, the crust is thin and crispy…yummo!! I don’t think I did too bad, I ordered a side salad and ate half of that before the pizza got to the table. I wound up eating one slice of cheese pizza, but in all fairness their slices are pretty good size!! You may be saying…well that’s not to bad. But the truth is.. I had chines for lunch! Help!! I have NO self-control right now! I had my period this week and to be honest I was blaming some of my poor choices on that…but I have to face the facts…I’m screwing up!!

This has nothing to do with my surgery and everything to do with where my head is right now. I get my third fill on Wednesday and my doctor made me wait a full month before he would give me another fill. The first two weeks usually go really well. I lose a decent amount of weight and then by the third week my band is not tight and I have very little restriction, so I start to struggle. Believe me Wednesday cannot come fast enough!!

I will let you know what the doctor’s office says my weight loss is for the month after my appointment. The good news is I have been consistent with my exercise. I have people who will want to know where I am if I don’t show up, that helps me a ton. I know I would have fizzled out if it were not for them!!

I can’t end this post without saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETHANY!!! You are the best, and I’m so happy to be your mom!!!

Do you struggle more during the week or on the weekend??